Parsing XSD schemas in Databricks

Maybe I’ll save someone else some suffering

July 12, 2024


Databricks recently announced enhanced XML parsing. This is great news, as my organization has a ton of XML that I would like to parse and publish in more user friendly structures. Unfortunately for me, most of the example code and docs assume that your XML inputs have a relatively simple and consistent schema that can be parsed out using a single sample record. My requirements are more complicated than that, as our schema varies depending on the particular type of record being read (different type of forms capturing a subset of all possible inputs), so any sample record I provide will not have a complete schema for all possible records.

We do have an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file that describes the complete schema of all possible attributes for these records, and there’s a brief snippet in the docs that mentions you can use a file like this to create a schema that can be used in parsing XML. In practice, I found a number of tricky aspects to actually getting this working that I’ll document below in case it’s helpful for anyone else.

Setting up for schema parsing

The first hurdle was figuring out how to actually call the schema parsing method.

From the docs I should be able to run something like this in scala (no python interface) and get a schema object:

import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.XSDToSchema
import java.nio.file.Paths

val schema ="/path/to/your.xsd"))
val df =

Unfortunately when I tried to run that in databricks (under various cluster types and runtime versions) I got an error that XSDToSchema did not actually exist.

After a bunch of searching around I found the databricks/spark-xml repo, which did seem to have that functionality. After adding com.databricks:spark-xml_2.12:0.18.0 to a cluster I was able to actually call that function.

NOTE As best I understand it, this library might conflict with the databricks xml parsing libraries, so it should only be used for schema extraction. Use a separate cluster to actually do the xml parsing with the extracted schema.

Actually extracting the schema

Once you’ve got the schema out, the next thing to do is get it into a format that’s useful for feeding into read_xml. This is relatively straightforward but not well documented at all.

This bit of scala gets you a json representation of your schema:

import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.XSDToSchema
import java.nio.file.Paths
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, StringType}
val schema ="path/to/xsd_file.xsd"))
val topField = schema("TopLevelName").dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
val schemaStr = topField.json
val file = new File("/path/to/output/schema.json")
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))

In my case the XSD had a top level struct as if the whole thing was going to be one dataframe. I actually wanted it to be a column, so I had to drill down one level. Depending on your particular use case you’ll have to modify that.

Add in a failed record field

I don’t want my whole pipeline to fall over if I hit an invalid record, so I’ll want to specify PERMISSIVE mode in my XML parsing code. If I do that it expects there to be a rescue struct to put the failed xml within the target. I’m calling mine corruptxml so I switch over to python, add that in, and write it out as a nicely formatted json. Even if you don’t want to add this in it’s probably still worth making a round trip through python. The json that comes out of the scala step above is valid but it’s one single line. If you put it in python first you get a more readably formatted multi line json at the end.

from pathlib import Path
import json
ddl_base_path = Path("/path/to/output/schema.json")
with open(ddl_base_path, "r") as f:
    ddl_base =
ddl_dict = json.loads(ddl_base)
# Have to have this field in the schema to use PERMISSIVE mode when reading
ddl_dict["fields"].append({"name": "corruptxml", "type": "string", "nullable": True})
ddl_clean_path = Path("/path/to/output/schema.json")
with open(ddl_clean_path, "w") as f:
    f.write(json.dumps(ddl_dict, indent=4))

Use the schema in a pipeline

In my use case I have an existing DataFrame with a column called RPT_DATA that I want to parse. My code looks something like this:

    from_xml_opts = {
        "mode": "PERMISSIVE",
        "columnNameOfCorruptRecord": "corruptxml",
    ddl_path = Path("schema_ddl.json")
    with open(ddl_path, "r") as f:
        ddl_str =
    parsed_df = (
        # illegal escape character
        .withColumn("RPT_DATA", regexp_replace(col("RPT_DATA"), r"\u001a", ""))
        # illegal escape character
        .withColumn("RPT_DATA", regexp_replace(col("RPT_DATA"), r"", ""))
        # illegal escape character
        .withColumn("RPT_DATA", regexp_replace(col("RPT_DATA"), r"&#x\d;", ""))
        # emojis
        .withColumn("RPT_DATA", regexp_replace(col("RPT_DATA"), r"\&#\d{5};", ""))
        .withColumn("report_xml_dat", from_xml(xml_data_df.RPT_DATA, ddl_str, from_xml_opts))

In my case I had to parse out some illegal characters from the strings before I could get it working. Depending on your inputs those might not be required.


Parsing out a schema from an XSD and using it to turn a string of XML into a valid StructField isn’t too bad and doesn’t take a ton of code - if you can actually find out how to do it. I spent a ton of time googling, trying things that broke, and going back and forth with Databricks support to get this working so I want to preserve it.