Alberta’s Fiscal Responses To Fluctuations In Non-Renewable-Resource Revenue

I wanted to practice my python and econometrics, found a data error that invalidated the paper’s findings as well.

February 26, 2021


This is my replication of the empirical results, tables, and figures produced in a paper by Dr. Ergete Ferede, published by the University of Calgary school of public policy in Volume 11:24, September 2018.

The original paper is here:

I chose this paper to reproduce for two reasons. The first is pragmatic; the data it uses is all publicly available, so I actually can. The second is that it describes a topic of importance in the province of Alberta, where I live.

You can read the details of what the paper sets out to show in the paper itself, but in brief the idea is to show that provincial government spending increases in the year following an increase in non-renewable resource revenue, but it does not decrease accordingly in the year following declines in the same revenue source. This has a ratcheting effect on public finance that is a contributor to the “royalty rollercoaster” that is Alberta’s public finance.

In the following sections I’ll go through the code necessary to extract and transform the data set used in the paper, as well as reproduce its key empirical results. Since most economists don’t use python, and they make up a key part of my intended audience for this, I’ll be adding comments to my code that explicitly describe what some of the functions and methods I’m calling do.

I’m including all of the code necessary to produce this reproduction, since that’s a big part of why I’m doing this exercise, but if you’re just interested in seeing how my reproduced results compare to the original paper you can skip all the code blocks. You can find the code for this notebook on my github

A surprising result of this reproduction is that I’ve identified a single data point error in the original paper that negates its results. Read on to find out what the error was and the impact it had on the results.

Setup and data acquisition

This section of the code loads required modules, downloads the required data sets, and reads them into DataFrames.

import datetime as dt
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path

import altair as alt
from arch.unitroot import DFGLS, ADF, PhillipsPerron
from IPython.display import Image
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import requests
import seaborn as sns
import stats_can
import statsmodels
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR

%matplotlib inline

We start by loading the required libraries that will be used to support the analysis. For reference here are links to the libraries that are being used:

Historical budget data

Functions in this section are concerned with acquiring historical Alberta budget data and reading it into a DataFrame

def download_budget_data() -> Path:
    """Download the excel file for the analysis from the policy school page.

    Note the readme sheet on the first file. Credit to Kneebone and Wilkins for
    assembling it, and policy school for hosting it.

    Originally used this URL, but found it was missing some later heritage
    contributions. After discussion with Dr. Kneebone an updated set has been provided

        A path object with the location and name of the data
    print('Downloading data set')

    url = ''
    # send a request to the url for the file
    response = requests.get(
        headers={'user-agent': None}
    # create a path object for the file in the data folder above
    # where this notebook is saved with the file named
    # budget.xlsx for easy later access.
    fname = Path('.').joinpath('data').joinpath('budgets.xlsx')
    # write the response from the request to the file in the path specified above
    with open (fname, 'wb') as outfile:
        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=512):
            if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
    # Return the location of the file so we can load it later easily
    return fname

def get_budget_file(force_update: bool=False) -> Path:
    """Get the budget file, downloading if required.

    force_update: bool
        Download the data file even if you already have it

        A path object with the location and name of the data
    # This is where we're expecting the file to be saved if it exists
    fname = Path('.').joinpath('data').joinpath('budgets.xlsx')
    if not fname.exists() or force_update:
    return fname

def get_date_index(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DatetimeIndex:
    """Helper function to turn budget year strings into datetimes.

    The Fiscal year columns span across years, e.g. 1965-66. In order
    to use all the date indexed functionality I want to convert them into
    an actual datetime format. This function accomplishes that
    df: pd.DataFrame
        The budget dataframe with the fiscal year style columns
        A datetime index showing January 1 of the beginning of each
        fiscal year for each period.    
    date_index = pd.to_datetime(
        .assign(year=lambda df: df['budget_yr'].str[0:4].astype(int))
        [['year', 'month', 'day']]
    return date_index

def read_ab_budget() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read Alberta budget data.

    Downloads the data if necessary, reads it in and gives
    the variables easier to work with names

        Alberta's revenue and expenditure tables
    # Get the budget file, download if necessary  using functions
    # defined above
    fname = get_budget_file()
    df = (
            # column titles are spaced over 3 rows
            # first column of data is B
            # there's a big footnote at the bottom we want to skip
        # Because of the merged cells we get an empty first row
        .loc[lambda x: x.index.notnull()]
        # Not sure where the empty first column comes from but drop it
        .drop(columns='Unnamed: 0')
            'index': 'budget_yr',
            'Personal Income Tax': 'personal_income_tax',
            'Corporation Income Tax': 'corporate_income_tax',
            'Retail Sales Tax': 'retail_sales_tax',
            'Federal Cash Transfers': 'federal_cash_transfers',
            'Natural Resource Revenue': 'natural_resource_revenue',
            'Other Own-Source Revenue': 'other_own_source_revenue',
            'Total Revenue': 'total_revenue',
            'Health': 'health_exp',
            'Social Services': 'social_services_exp',
            'Education': 'education_exp',
            'Other Program Expenditures': 'other_program_exp',
            'Total Program Expenditures': 'total_prog_exp',
            'Debt Service': 'debt_service',
            'Total  Expenditures': 'total_exp',
            'Unnamed: 16': 'annual_deficit'
        # Turn the fiscal year string into a datetime object
        .assign(budget_dt=lambda df: get_date_index(df))
    return df

def read_heritage() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read deposits to the heritage trust fund from a separate table.

    The paper nets out contributions to the heritage trust fund when they are
    made, so we have to read them in to be able to net them out of resource revenue.

    They're stored in the same sheet of the workbook, just down below the big table we
    read in with the function above.
    fname = get_budget_file()
    df = (
            # Have to manually specify column names because of
            # how the table is laid out
            names=['budget_yr', 'resource_allocation', 'deposits', 'advance_edu'],
        # more fiddly cleaning because of how the table is set up
        # there's a blank row between 1986-87 and when
        # contributions resume in 2005-06
        .loc[lambda df: ~df['budget_yr'].isna()]
        # missing entries have 0 contributions for that
        # category in that year
        # The three columns are all counted the same
        # for the purposes of this analysis, they just have
        # different labels/classifications depending on the year
        .assign(total_heritage=lambda df: df.sum(axis='columns'))
        # Add a dummy variable to indicate heritage fund deposit years
        # convert the fiscal year column to a datetime index
        .assign(budget_dt=lambda df: get_date_index(df))
    return df

def clean_budget() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Combine base budget with heritage deposits.

    Pull all the logic together to create one dataframe with all the
    fiscal data for the period of interest.

        The full nominal budget data set.
    budg = read_ab_budget()
    heritage = read_heritage()
    budg_clean = (
        # Start with the budget dataframe
        # consolidate some revenue categories
        .assign(other_revenue=lambda df: df[['retail_sales_tax', 'federal_cash_transfers', 'other_own_source_revenue']].sum(axis='columns'))
        # Just keep the columns we still need
        .reindex(columns=['personal_income_tax', 'corporate_income_tax', 'natural_resource_revenue', 'other_revenue', 'total_prog_exp', 'debt_service'])
        # add in the heritage contributions data
        .merge(heritage[['total_heritage', 'heritage_dummy']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True)
        # Set contributions and the heritage dummy to 0 for years where there were no contributions
        # Net out heritage contributions from natural resources revenue
        .assign(natural_resource_revenue_before_heritage=lambda df: df['natural_resource_revenue'])
        .assign(natural_resource_revenue=lambda df: df['natural_resource_revenue'] - df['total_heritage'])
        # consolidate revenue
        .assign(total_revenue=lambda df: df[['personal_income_tax', 'corporate_income_tax', 'natural_resource_revenue', 'other_revenue']].sum(axis='columns'))
        # consolidate expenditure
        .assign(total_expenditure=lambda df: df[['total_prog_exp', 'debt_service']].sum(axis='columns'))
        # calculate the deficit
        .assign(deficit=lambda df: df['total_expenditure'] - df['total_revenue'])
        # make all the budget numbers floating point
    return budg_clean

Real Per Capita budget

All of the analysis in the paper is done in terms of real per-capita data. Functions in this section transform the nominal total budget numbers acquired in the previous section into real per-capita figures.

def periodic_to_budget_annual(df: pd.DataFrame, index_name: str, year_periods: int = 4) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Take a monthly or quarterly indexed dataframe and annualize it by budget period.

    The inflation and population data we need to convert the budget into
    real per-capita figures are monthly series. We need to get the average
    population and price level for each fiscal year in the data set.

    Rolling mean indexed on January year N+1 is the March to March
    average population for fiscal year N
    Applying a date offset of -1 year and taking only
    January data of these rolling means gives us an average on the
    same basis as the budget dates.

    df: pandas.DataFrame
        DataFrame to be piped into this function
    index_name: str
        The name of the date index
    year_periods: int, default 4
        4 for quarterly data (population), 12 for monthly (inflation)

        An annualized dataframe on a fiscal year basis for comparison
        to annual budget figures.
    df = (
        .rolling(year_periods, closed='left')
        .assign(budget_dt=lambda df: df[index_name] - pd.DateOffset(years=1))
        .loc[lambda x: x['budget_dt'].dt.year >= 1965]
        .loc[lambda x: x['budget_dt'].dt.month == 1]
    return df

def per_capita_data() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read in population data to calculate per capita estimates.

    Quarterly population estimates for Alberta from Statistics Canada

        Fiscal year annualized population estimates for Alberta over the
        reference period.
    table = '17-10-0009-01'
    df = (
        stats_can.table_to_df(table, path='data')
        .loc[lambda x: x['GEO'] == 'Alberta']
        .loc[lambda x: x['REF_DATE'] >= '1965']
        .rename(columns={'VALUE' : 'population'})
        .pipe(periodic_to_budget_annual, 'REF_DATE', 4)
    return df

def inflation_data() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read in inflation data to calculate real dollar estimates.

    The whole series is scaled so 2017 budget year is = 1

        Fiscal year annualized inflation data for Alberta over
        the reference period. Normalized to 2017 = 1
    # Alberta inflation doesn't go back far enough, use Canada for earlier dates
    vecs = ('v41692327', 'v41690973')
    df = (
        stats_can.vectors_to_df_local(vecs, path='data',, 1, 1))
        .rename(columns={'v41692327': 'ab_inflation', 'v41690973': 'ca_inflation'})
    # fill in with Canadian inflation data where (early) Alberta inflation data is missing.
    mask = df['ab_inflation'].isna()
    # Could probably do some interpolation or scaling before this, but I looked
    # at the raw series and they were pretty comparable
    df.loc[mask, 'ab_inflation'] = df.loc[mask, 'ca_inflation']
    df = (
        .pipe(periodic_to_budget_annual, 'REF_DATE', 12)
    # Rescale to 2017 = 100 (this is fiscal year 2017,
    # original may have done calendar year)
    inf_2017 = float(df.loc['2017', 'ab_inflation'])
    df = df / inf_2017
    return df

def budget_real_per_capita() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get budget data in real per-capita terms.

        Budget data in real per-capita terms.
    # Read in budget data using the function defined in the 
    # previous section
    clean_budget_df = clean_budget()
    # Everything except the dummy variable gets turned into
    # real per-capita terms
    scale_cols = clean_budget_df.columns.drop('heritage_dummy').tolist()
    # Get population
    per_capita = per_capita_data()
    # Get inflation
    inflation = inflation_data()
    # Combine the datasets, can just use assign because they all
    # have a datetime index
    dfpc = (
    # rescale to real per capita
    dfpc[scale_cols] = (
        # original data was in millions of dollars
        # divide by population and inflation for
        # real per-capita
        .div(dfpc['pop'], axis='index')
        .div(dfpc['cpi'], axis='index')
    return dfpc

Exogenous factors

The paper lists the Alberta employment rate, the Alberta unemployment rate, and the CAD/USD exchange rate as exogenous factors included in the model. Functions in this section acquire that data. I had to do some fiddling to get long enough historical series for some of the factors as you’ll note in the code. It’s hard to say for sure how the original author sourced this data. I’ll just have to compare my tables and charts to his to see if I got close enough.

def download_historical_cad_usd() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get exchange rates from before 1971.

    FRED live data only goes back to 1971, I need a longer series
    This was what I could find. It's annual only, so I can't do it on a budget
    year basis, but hopefully it will be close enough

    This whole function is just some gross munging to read in a table from a web page.
    Once it's called we save it to the data folder so I don't have to re-call it every
    time I run this notebook.
    url = ''
    df = pd.read_html(url)[29]
    headers = df.iloc[0]
    new_df  = (
        pd.DataFrame(df.values[1:], columns=headers)
        .rename(columns={'Year': 'year', 'Average USD/CAD': 'EXCAUS'})
        .assign(budget_dt=lambda df: pd.to_datetime(df[['year', 'month', 'day']]))
    return new_df

def read_historical_cad_usd(force_update: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get exchange rates before 1971.

    This wraps the above function to read in the downloaded data
    if it's available and download and then read it if required.

    force_update: bool
        Download the data set even if you already have it

        Exchange rates from 1965 to 1971
    fname = Path('.').joinpath('data').joinpath('early_cad_usd.csv')
    if not fname.exists() or force_update:
        return download_historical_cad_usd()
        return pd.read_csv(fname).set_index('budget_dt')

def download_cad_usd() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Download monthly exchange data from FRED.

    For most of the period of interest I can get monthly
    data from FRED, so I'll do that where possible.

        Most of the CAD/USD exchange data I need for this analysis.
    df = pdr.get_data_fred('EXCAUS',, 1, 1))
    return df

def read_cad_usd(force_update=False):
    """Get monthly exchange data from FRED.

    This wraps the above function to read in the downloaded data
    if it's available and download and then read it if required.

    force_update: bool
        Download the data set even if you already have it

        Exchange rate data
    fname = Path('.').joinpath('data').joinpath('cad_usd.csv')
    if not fname.exists() or force_update:
        return download_cad_usd()
        return pd.read_csv(fname, parse_dates=['DATE']).set_index('DATE')

def annual_cad_usd() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Full series of CAD/USD in fiscal year format.

    Get FRED data and turn the monthly values into annualized on a budget
    basis for as much as possible. Fill in the remainder with calendar annual
    data from fxtop

        Exchange data on an annualized basis.
    # Create a datetime index of all the points we need
    annual_date_range = pd.date_range('1964-01-01', '2018-01-01', freq='AS', name='budget_dt')
    # Get the old annual stuff to fill in later
    old_df = read_historical_cad_usd()
    df = (
        # get the monthly series
        # annualize it
        .pipe(periodic_to_budget_annual, 'DATE', 12)
        # add in all the missing dates we need
        # fill those missing dates from the old annual data set.
    return df

def stats_can_exog() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Bring in exogenous StatsCan data. Employment and Unemployment rates.

        Exogenous data required from StatsCan
    # Vectors for monthly series where available
    ur_vec = "v2064516"
    er_vec = "v2064518"
    annual_date_range = pd.date_range('1964-01-01', '2018-01-01', freq='AS', name='budget_dt')
    # for the earlier periods we only have annual data
    old_df = (
        stats_can.table_to_df('36-10-0345-01', path='data')
        # Get Alberta data only
        .loc[lambda x: x['GEO'] == 'Alberta']
        # Keep only the categories we care about
        .loc[lambda x: x['Economic indicators'].isin(['Population', 'Total employment', 'Unemployment rate'])]
        # pivot so the year is the row and the variables are the columns
        .pivot_table(index='REF_DATE', columns='Economic indicators', values='VALUE')
        .rename(columns={'Unemployment rate': 'unemployment_rate'})
        # calculate the employment rate
        .assign(employment_rate=lambda x: (x['Total employment'] / x['Population']) * 100)
        # drop the population, just used for calculating employment rate
        .reindex(columns=['unemployment_rate', 'employment_rate'])
        .rename_axis('budget_dt', axis='index')
        .rename_axis(None, axis='columns')
    # Get monthly data where available
    df = (
        stats_can.vectors_to_df_local([ur_vec, er_vec], path='data',, 1, 1))
        .rename(columns={ur_vec: 'unemployment_rate', er_vec: 'employment_rate'})
        # annualize
        .pipe(periodic_to_budget_annual, 'REF_DATE', 12)
        # get the full range of data we want
        # fill in the gaps with the old annual series
        # Not ideal but even the annual series doesn't go quite back
        # far enough so we have to backfill the earliest available
        # data point
    return df

def exogenous_variables() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Bring in exogenous parameters together.

    From the paper:
    We also include other exogenous variables that are likely to affect
    the province’s budget. It is known that the various components of the
    provincial budget can be influenced by the business cycle. Thus, following
    Buettner and Wildsain (2006), we account for the potential effects of the
    business cycle by including one-period lagged changes in the provincial
    employment and unemployment rates. Another important exogenous factor
    that is often cited in provincial budget documents as being important in
    influencing the provincial government’s oil royalty revenue is the Canadian-U.S.
    dollar exchange rate. For this reason, we control for this factor by
    including one period lagged changes in the Canadian-U.S. dollar exchange rate

        All the necessary exogenous factors for reproducing the paper.
    cadusd = annual_cad_usd()
    ur_er = stats_can_exog()
    df = pd.concat([cadusd, ur_er], axis='columns')
    return df

Exploratory Figures

Figure 1

Page 5 of the report charts Non-renewable Resource Revenue, Total Expenditure, and Total Revenue. All are in per-capita 2017 dollars. Reproducing this chart will be a good starting check that my data extraction and transformation matches the original author’s strategy.

def fig1(df: pd.DataFrame) -> alt.Chart:
    """Reproduce Figure 1 from the paper.

    df: pd.DataFrame
        A dataframe with non-renewable resource revenue, total expenditure, and total revenue time series
    chart_df = (
        .loc['1970':'2016', ['natural_resource_revenue', 'total_revenue', 'total_expenditure']]
            'natural_resource_revenue': 'Non-renewable Resource Revenue',
            'total_revenue': 'Total Revenue',
            'total_expenditure': 'Total Expenditure'
    c_domain = ["Non-renewable Resource Revenue", "Total Expenditure", "Total Revenue"]
    c_range = ["green", "red", "blue"]
    chart = (
            x=alt.X('budget_dt:T', axis=alt.Axis(title=None)),
            y=alt.Y('value:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='Per capita in 2017 dollars'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 14_000))),
            color=alt.Color('variable:N', legend=alt.Legend(title=None, orient='bottom'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=c_domain, range=c_range))
        .properties(width=1250, height=500)
    return chart

Here’s the original chart from the paper:


And here’s mine:

df = budget_real_per_capita()

This graph looks very similar to the chart in the paper, with a notable exception of the 1976/1977 budget year. My chart shows Non-renewable Resource Revenue as slightly negative, whereas the original chart has it largely in line with 1975/1976 and 1977/1978. NRR is negative in my chart because I have netted out contributions to the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund (AHSTF). To the best of my understanding, the original paper does the same, and the consistent values between the two in all other years supports that. Quoting the original paper:

The part of resource revenue that is saved in the AHSTF is not expected to influence the provincial government’s spending and revenue-raising choices. For this reason, in our analysis, we exclude the part of the resource revenue that is saved in the AHSTF from the non-renewable-resource revenue data.

For comparison, here is the same chart, but without netting AHSTF contributions from revenue:

no_net_df = (
    .assign(total_revenue=lambda df: df["total_revenue"] + df["total_heritage"])
    .assign(natural_resource_revenue=lambda df: df["natural_resource_revenue"] + df["total_heritage"])
    .assign(deficit=lambda df: df["total_expenditure"] - df["total_revenue"])

1976/1977 more closely matches the original chart in the paper, but the remaining years in the period of mid 70s to mid 80s when there were significant contributions clearly do not match. Let’s try one more where I just substitute that one year.

error_df = df.copy()
heritage_76 = error_df.loc["1976", "total_heritage"]
error_df.loc["1976", "natural_resource_revenue"] += heritage_76
error_df.loc["1976", "total_revenue"] += heritage_76
error_df.loc["1976", "deficit"] -= heritage_76

Here’s the original figure again for easier comparison


From eyeballing it that looks exactly like Figure 1 in the paper. It appears there’s a data error in the original paper. For the rest of this analysis I’ll compare both my base implementation of the data, as well as the one with the data error.

Figure 2

Page 6 of the paper produces a scatter plot of Real per capita non-renewable resource revenue on the X axis vs. Real per capita budget balance on the Y, along with a linear trend fit.

def fig2(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
    """Reproduce Figure 2 from the paper.
    df: pd.DataFrame
        The table with historical revenue and expenditure data.
    chart_df = (
        .loc['1970':'2016', ['natural_resource_revenue', 'deficit']]
            'natural_resource_revenue': 'Non-renewable Resource Revenue',
            'deficit': 'Deficit'
        .assign(balance=lambda df: df['Deficit'] * -1)
        .rename(columns={'balance': 'Budget Balance'})
    sns.regplot(x='Non-renewable Resource Revenue', y='Budget Balance', data=chart_df)

Here’s the original figure


Here’s the figure using my original data:


And here’s the figure using the version with a data error:


Again, this chart is more consistent with the dataframe where I don’t net heritage fund contributions out of 1976 but do for all other years

Model Specification and estimation

This section combines the previously specified data extraction with transformations necessary to produce summary statistics, statistical tests, and the VAR model itself.

def model_df_levels(budg: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Combine real per capita budget data to get model data in levels.

    lag exogenous variables (unemployment and employment rates, CAD/USD exchange)

    budg: pd.DataFrame
        Budget data, either with or without data error

        Budget data combined with exogenous factors
    exog = exogenous_variables()
    df = (
        pd.concat([budg, exog], axis='columns')
        .rename(columns={'total_prog_exp': 'program_expenditure', 'EXCAUS': 'cad_usd'})
        .assign(ur_lag=lambda df: df['unemployment_rate'].shift(periods=1))
        .assign(er_lag=lambda df: df['employment_rate'].shift(periods=1))
        .assign(cad_usd_lag=lambda df: df['cad_usd'].shift(periods=1))
            'program_expenditure', 'debt_service', 'corporate_income_tax',
            'personal_income_tax', 'other_revenue', 'natural_resource_revenue',
            'deficit', 'heritage_dummy', 'ur_lag', 'er_lag', 'cad_usd_lag'
    return df
mdfl = model_df_levels(df)
mdfl_err = model_df_levels(error_df)

Sumary statistics for key variables, 1970-71, 2016-17 in levels

Prior to any modeling, let’s compare the summary statistics for the data sets I’ve created against those in the paper:

number = "{:0<4,.1f}"
percent = '{:.1%}'
count = "{:0.0f}"

def tbl1_level(model_df: pd.DataFrame):
    """Produce summary statistics of the input data in levels.

    model_df: pd.DataFrame
        Input data set

        Nicely formatted summary statistics
    df = (
            'natural_resource_revenue', 'corporate_income_tax', 'personal_income_tax',
            'other_revenue', 'debt_service', 'program_expenditure', 'deficit', 'ur_lag',
            'er_lag', 'cad_usd_lag'
            'count': count,
            'mean': number,
            'std': number,
            'min': number,
            '25%': number,
            '50%': number,
            '75%': number,
            'max': number
    return df

Here’s Table 1 from the paper:


Here’s my summary of the top half

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
natural_resource_revenue 47 2,737.2 1,358.9 -125.3 1,726.4 2,371.7 3,941.6 5,181.6
corporate_income_tax 47 792.1 349.6 245.8 544.6 723.6 1,010.9 1,560.6
personal_income_tax 47 1,862.1 607.8 767.1 1,403.8 1,889.6 2,359.8 2,830.0
other_revenue 47 4,394.6 1,084.9 2,352.8 3,632.2 4,699.2 5,209.2 5,818.2
debt_service 47 322.8 334.9 31.4 82.7 158.5 486.9 1,075.6
program_expenditure 47 9,399.1 2,161.2 4,745.8 7,623.0 10,060.9 11,142.6 12,869.2
deficit 47 -64.0 1,618.0 -3,184.0 -1,320.5 -140.6 1,092.3 3,775.8
ur_lag 47 6.10 2.20 3.40 4.50 5.40 7.50 11.4
er_lag 47 63.7 9.90 38.5 65.1 67.3 69.0 71.8
cad_usd_lag 45 1.20 0.20 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60

And the same summary on the data with the introduced error

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
natural_resource_revenue 47 2,843.8 1,325.6 691.9 1,760.7 2,532.1 3,972.6 5,181.6
corporate_income_tax 47 792.1 349.6 245.8 544.6 723.6 1,010.9 1,560.6
personal_income_tax 47 1,862.1 607.8 767.1 1,403.8 1,889.6 2,359.8 2,830.0
other_revenue 47 4,394.6 1,084.9 2,352.8 3,632.2 4,699.2 5,209.2 5,818.2
debt_service 47 322.8 334.9 31.4 82.7 158.5 486.9 1,075.6
program_expenditure 47 9,399.1 2,161.2 4,745.8 7,623.0 10,060.9 11,142.6 12,869.2
deficit 47 -170.7 1,587.7 -3,184.0 -1,425.7 -202.8 945.9 3,775.8
ur_lag 47 6.10 2.20 3.40 4.50 5.40 7.50 11.4
er_lag 47 63.7 9.90 38.5 65.1 67.3 69.0 71.8
cad_usd_lag 45 1.20 0.20 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60

All the figures that I can validate against (exogenous variables aren’t reported in the paper) are reasonably close. The one noted difference is the previously described outlier in natural resource revenue which leads to my minimum for that variable being significantly lower than in the paper. That large one goes away again if I introduce the same data error described above. My guess for the remaining small discrepancies are differences in calculating population or CPI.

Sumary statistics for key variables, 1970-71, 2016-17, first difference

Reproduce the bottom half of table 1 from the paper

def model_df_first_diff(mdfl: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Produce the first difference of the level model df.

    mdfl: pd.DataFrame
        The model dataframe in levels

        The first differenced model dataframe
    df = (
        .assign(heritage_dummy=mdfl['heritage_dummy']) # don't want to lag diff this
        .assign(nrrd=lambda df: df[['natural_resource_revenue', 'zero']].min(axis='columns'))
        .assign(nrri=lambda df: df[['natural_resource_revenue', 'zero']].max(axis='columns'))
            'natural_resource_revenue', 'nrri', 'nrrd', 'corporate_income_tax', 'personal_income_tax',
            'other_revenue', 'debt_service', 'program_expenditure', 'deficit', 'ur_lag',
            'er_lag', 'cad_usd_lag', 'heritage_dummy', 'constant'
    return df
def tbl1_diff(model_df: pd.DataFrame) ->
    """Produce summary statistics of the first differenced data set.

    model_df: pd.DataFrame
        Input data set

        Nicely styled summary statistics

    df = (
        .drop(columns=['heritage_dummy', 'constant'])
            'count': count,
            'mean': number,
            'std': number,
            'min': number,
            '25%': number,
            '50%': number,
            '75%': number,
            'max': number
    return df

Here’s Table 1 from the paper again:


Here’s mine:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
natural_resource_revenue 47 -8.3 1,365.3 -4,543.2 -551.3 64.2 463.5 4,638.7
nrri 47 437.8 852.9 0.00 0.00 64.2 463.5 4,638.7
nrrd 47 -446.1 858.9 -4,543.2 -551.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
corporate_income_tax 47 13.3 201.2 -463.0 -108.5 25.9 137.8 447.1
personal_income_tax 47 42.7 227.2 -690.7 -28.7 40.0 154.2 936.9
other_revenue 47 41.8 577.2 -1,268.7 -288.9 -28.0 162.8 2,417.6
debt_service 47 4.50 86.2 -247.5 -21.6 2.00 36.0 222.3
program_expenditure 47 147.4 734.5 -1,263.2 -245.9 202.7 552.7 2,477.9
deficit 47 62.3 1,578.2 -4,722.8 -806.6 -39.0 836.0 4,431.3
ur_lag 47 0.10 1.10 -1.8 -0.7 -0.1 0.30 3.90
er_lag 47 0.60 3.30 -3.2 -0.2 0.40 0.90 21.4
cad_usd_lag 44 0.00 0.10 -0.2 -0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20

And with the data error:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
natural_resource_revenue 47 -8.3 977.5 -2,451.6 -471.1 64.2 458.3 2,757.8
nrri 47 349.1 579.4 0.00 0.00 64.2 458.3 2,757.8
nrrd 47 -357.4 604.0 -2,451.6 -471.1 0.00 0.00 0.00
corporate_income_tax 47 13.3 201.2 -463.0 -108.5 25.9 137.8 447.1
personal_income_tax 47 42.7 227.2 -690.7 -28.7 40.0 154.2 936.9
other_revenue 47 41.8 577.2 -1,268.7 -288.9 -28.0 162.8 2,417.6
debt_service 47 4.50 86.2 -247.5 -21.6 2.00 36.0 222.3
program_expenditure 47 147.4 734.5 -1,263.2 -245.9 202.7 552.7 2,477.9
deficit 47 62.3 1,260.2 -2,615.7 -758.1 -39.0 747.4 3,117.0
ur_lag 47 0.10 1.10 -1.8 -0.7 -0.1 0.30 3.90
er_lag 47 0.60 3.30 -3.2 -0.2 0.40 0.90 21.4
cad_usd_lag 44 0.00 0.10 -0.2 -0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20

As with everything so far, the data overall matches, and Natural Resource Revenue matches a lot better if I neglect to net out the heritage fund in 1976.

Unit-Root Tests

Table A1 in the paper shows the results of unit root tests for both the level and first differenced variables in the model. This section will reproduce those tables

def stationarity_tests(df: pd.DataFrame, first_diff: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Compute stationarity test statistics.

    df: pd.DataFrame
        The model input data
    first_diff: bool, default False
        Perform tests on first differenced version of the data
    if first_diff:
        df = (
            .drop(columns=["heritage_dummy", "constant"])
        df = (
    tests_dict = {'ADF': ADF, 'Phillips-Perron': PhillipsPerron, 'DF-GLS': DFGLS}
    cols = df.columns
    tests_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for test_label, test in tests_dict.items():
        for col in cols:
            if test_label != 'Phillips-Perron':
                col_test = test(df[col].dropna(), method='BIC')
                col_test = test(df[col].dropna())
            test_val = col_test.stat
            test_p = col_test.pvalue
            test_summary = f'val: {test_val:0.3f}, p: {test_p:.1%}'
            tests_df.loc[col, test_label] = test_summary
    return tests_df

Here’s the table from the paper:


Here is mine with my data set

stationarity_tests(mdfl, first_diff=False)
ADF Phillips-Perron DF-GLS
natural_resource_revenue val: -3.927, p: 0.2% val: -4.056, p: 0.1% val: -3.125, p: 0.2%
corporate_income_tax val: -2.340, p: 15.9% val: -2.285, p: 17.7% val: -1.676, p: 9.2%
personal_income_tax val: -1.650, p: 45.7% val: -1.440, p: 56.3% val: -0.688, p: 43.2%
other_revenue val: -2.196, p: 20.8% val: -2.057, p: 26.2% val: -1.585, p: 11.0%
debt_service val: -1.548, p: 51.0% val: -1.697, p: 43.3% val: -1.377, p: 16.2%
program_expenditure val: -2.966, p: 3.8% val: -2.137, p: 23.0% val: -0.682, p: 43.4%
deficit val: -3.510, p: 0.8% val: -3.924, p: 0.2% val: -3.537, p: 0.0%
ur_lag val: -2.709, p: 7.3% val: -2.071, p: 25.6% val: -2.319, p: 2.1%
er_lag val: -10.652, p: 0.0% val: -2.931, p: 4.2% val: -0.763, p: 39.7%
cad_usd_lag val: -2.454, p: 12.7% val: -1.796, p: 38.2% val: -1.870, p: 6.1%
stationarity_tests(mdfl, first_diff=True)
ADF Phillips-Perron DF-GLS
natural_resource_revenue val: -7.403, p: 0.0% val: -10.300, p: 0.0% val: -7.430, p: 0.0%
nrri val: -6.885, p: 0.0% val: -6.896, p: 0.0% val: -6.533, p: 0.0%
nrrd val: -7.835, p: 0.0% val: -9.218, p: 0.0% val: -7.634, p: 0.0%
corporate_income_tax val: -7.228, p: 0.0% val: -8.484, p: 0.0% val: -7.103, p: 0.0%
personal_income_tax val: -5.560, p: 0.0% val: -8.831, p: 0.0% val: -6.703, p: 0.0%
other_revenue val: -7.914, p: 0.0% val: -8.169, p: 0.0% val: -7.717, p: 0.0%
debt_service val: -3.918, p: 0.2% val: -4.252, p: 0.1% val: -3.931, p: 0.0%
program_expenditure val: -2.545, p: 10.5% val: -6.105, p: 0.0% val: -2.461, p: 1.4%
deficit val: -2.485, p: 11.9% val: -10.105, p: 0.0% val: -2.509, p: 1.2%
ur_lag val: -4.924, p: 0.0% val: -4.056, p: 0.1% val: -4.901, p: 0.0%
er_lag val: -2.697, p: 7.5% val: -6.507, p: 0.0% val: -2.742, p: 0.6%
cad_usd_lag val: -3.318, p: 1.4% val: -3.042, p: 3.1% val: -3.384, p: 0.1%

And with the error data set:

stationarity_tests(mdfl_err, first_diff=False)
ADF Phillips-Perron DF-GLS
natural_resource_revenue val: -2.652, p: 8.3% val: -2.875, p: 4.8% val: -2.113, p: 3.5%
corporate_income_tax val: -2.340, p: 15.9% val: -2.285, p: 17.7% val: -1.676, p: 9.2%
personal_income_tax val: -1.650, p: 45.7% val: -1.440, p: 56.3% val: -0.688, p: 43.2%
other_revenue val: -2.196, p: 20.8% val: -2.057, p: 26.2% val: -1.585, p: 11.0%
debt_service val: -1.548, p: 51.0% val: -1.697, p: 43.3% val: -1.377, p: 16.2%
program_expenditure val: -2.966, p: 3.8% val: -2.137, p: 23.0% val: -0.682, p: 43.4%
deficit val: -2.566, p: 10.0% val: -2.763, p: 6.4% val: -2.606, p: 0.9%
ur_lag val: -2.709, p: 7.3% val: -2.071, p: 25.6% val: -2.319, p: 2.1%
er_lag val: -10.652, p: 0.0% val: -2.931, p: 4.2% val: -0.763, p: 39.7%
cad_usd_lag val: -2.454, p: 12.7% val: -1.796, p: 38.2% val: -1.870, p: 6.1%
stationarity_tests(mdfl_err, first_diff=True)
ADF Phillips-Perron DF-GLS
natural_resource_revenue val: -5.913, p: 0.0% val: -7.791, p: 0.0% val: -5.925, p: 0.0%
nrri val: -6.119, p: 0.0% val: -6.149, p: 0.0% val: -5.731, p: 0.0%
nrrd val: -7.846, p: 0.0% val: -8.008, p: 0.0% val: -7.640, p: 0.0%
corporate_income_tax val: -7.228, p: 0.0% val: -8.484, p: 0.0% val: -7.103, p: 0.0%
personal_income_tax val: -5.560, p: 0.0% val: -8.831, p: 0.0% val: -6.703, p: 0.0%
other_revenue val: -7.914, p: 0.0% val: -8.169, p: 0.0% val: -7.717, p: 0.0%
debt_service val: -3.918, p: 0.2% val: -4.252, p: 0.1% val: -3.931, p: 0.0%
program_expenditure val: -2.545, p: 10.5% val: -6.105, p: 0.0% val: -2.461, p: 1.4%
deficit val: -6.642, p: 0.0% val: -8.574, p: 0.0% val: -6.609, p: 0.0%
ur_lag val: -4.924, p: 0.0% val: -4.056, p: 0.1% val: -4.901, p: 0.0%
er_lag val: -2.697, p: 7.5% val: -6.507, p: 0.0% val: -2.742, p: 0.6%
cad_usd_lag val: -3.318, p: 1.4% val: -3.042, p: 3.1% val: -3.384, p: 0.1%

Documentation on the test tools I used can be found here

There are some interesting differences. Most notable is that on the levels of the deficit series I reject the null hypothesis of a unit root using all three tests at a significance level < 1%. The paper specifically notes that if the deficit is stationary in levels then a Vector Error Correction model can be applied. As the original author’s fails to reject the null he implements a Vector AutoRegression model on the first differenced data. In levels the only other series that I find to be stationary is natural resource revenue. ADF on program expenditure would also reject the null at 5% significance, but would fail to reject it using the other two tests.

Looking at the first differenced series, since that’s what the paper ultimately ends up using, I also reject the null hypothesis of a unit root for all variables using all tests at a 1% significant except program expenditure and deficit using Augmented Dickey Fuller. Those last two tests differ from what’s reported in the paper.

The paper notes that it uses the Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) for determining optimal lags in the DF-GLS test. It doesn’t specify what it’s using in the other two tests. For ADF and DF-GLS I used the Schwarz/Bayesian IC (BIC), which is just another name for SIC. Phillips-Perron only uses 1 lag and then Newey-West for a long run variance estimator. I also ran these tests using Akaike IC (AIC) for optimal lags for ADF and DF-GLS, with similar results.

Again we can see that using the results with the data error more closely matches the table in the paper, specifically around resource revenue and deficits.

The Model

The conclusions from the paper are based on fitting a VAR to the first differenced data set we’ve been analyzing above. Let’s do that now and compare the results to the paper.

def fit_var(mdfl: pd.DataFrame) -> statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model.VARResults:
    """Fit a VAR to the model data.

    mdfl: pd.DataFrame
        Input model data

        The fitted model
    vec_df = (
    endog_df = vec_df[[
        'nrri', 'nrrd', 'program_expenditure', 'debt_service', 'corporate_income_tax',
         'personal_income_tax', 'other_revenue'
    exog_df = vec_df[['ur_lag', 'er_lag', 'cad_usd_lag', 'heritage_dummy']]
    model = VAR(endog=endog_df, exog=exog_df, freq='AS')
    # Fit the model with 2 lags
    results =
    return results
def highlight_significance(val):
    """Colour code statistical significance.

    Takes a scalar and returns a string with
    the css property `'color: <color>'` where
    color is maroon for 1% significance, 
    red for 5% significance,
    orange for 10%, and black otherwise

    val: float
        The p value of a test

        A formatted colour coded p value

    if val <= 0.01:
        color = 'maroon'
    elif val <= 0.05:
        color = 'red'
    elif val <= 0.1:
        color = 'orange'
        color = 'black'
    return f'color: {color}'
results = fit_var(mdfl)
results_err = fit_var(mdfl_err)
summary = results.summary()
# Set up the rows and columns of my parameters to match the paper
reindex_cols = ["program_expenditure", "debt_service", "corporate_income_tax", "personal_income_tax", "other_revenue", "nrri", "nrrd"]
index_order = ["nrri", "nrrd", "program_expenditure", "debt_service", "corporate_income_tax", "personal_income_tax", "other_revenue"]
reindex_rows = list(chain.from_iterable((f"L1.{row}", f"L2.{row}") for row in index_order))

Here’s the table from the paper:


results.params.reindex(index=reindex_rows, columns=reindex_cols)
program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue nrri nrrd
L1.nrri 0.307014 -0.028267 0.081846 -0.052581 -0.197417 0.157775 0.002814
L2.nrri 0.328607 0.006210 -0.044256 -0.031283 -0.073461 0.059988 -0.052033
L1.nrrd 0.131802 -0.034380 0.026578 -0.144894 0.193682 -0.067386 -0.333322
L2.nrrd 0.353466 -0.020362 0.089569 -0.037287 -0.147460 0.110970 -0.055394
L1.program_expenditure -0.089949 0.024739 -0.000802 -0.053868 0.070080 -0.065026 -0.105625
L2.program_expenditure -0.262484 0.009716 -0.031223 0.042743 0.410439 0.025392 -0.456895
L1.debt_service 0.794685 0.401266 -0.108643 0.336733 0.400447 -2.370450 -0.278888
L2.debt_service -2.693856 0.228409 -0.088742 -0.179124 -0.041884 0.290135 -0.215989
L1.corporate_income_tax -0.972853 -0.092308 -0.210123 0.169059 -0.071714 -0.914462 0.730905
L2.corporate_income_tax 0.088413 -0.199031 -0.206852 0.245321 -0.509617 -0.683630 -0.578293
L1.personal_income_tax 0.959002 -0.041882 0.292569 -0.378646 -0.250158 0.347750 0.862515
L2.personal_income_tax 0.814557 0.084507 -0.112748 -0.099020 -0.528812 0.385575 -0.226230
L1.other_revenue 0.347131 -0.015834 -0.042866 -0.022883 -0.296401 0.224576 -0.102018
L2.other_revenue -0.140592 -0.010601 -0.009822 -0.010749 -0.339955 0.385613 0.043835
results.pvalues.reindex(index=reindex_rows, columns=reindex_cols).style.applymap(highlight_significance).format("{:.2%}")
program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue nrri nrrd
L1.nrri 17.85% 28.23% 19.05% 46.54% 31.40% 35.35% 99.27%
L2.nrri 3.41% 72.82% 29.76% 52.28% 58.14% 60.37% 80.42%
L1.nrrd 54.73% 17.31% 65.78% 3.61% 30.34% 67.97% 26.07%
L2.nrrd 8.86% 39.46% 11.53% 56.93% 40.83% 47.32% 84.37%
L1.program_expenditure 63.72% 26.03% 98.78% 37.09% 66.89% 64.73% 68.24%
L2.program_expenditure 16.67% 65.69% 54.83% 47.56% 1.18% 85.75% 7.53%
L1.debt_service 62.80% 3.37% 80.89% 51.54% 77.63% 5.24% 90.00%
L2.debt_service 9.99% 22.60% 84.32% 72.89% 97.63% 81.21% 92.24%
L1.corporate_income_tax 17.66% 26.58% 28.68% 45.69% 90.77% 8.83% 45.31%
L2.corporate_income_tax 90.24% 1.66% 29.52% 28.12% 41.09% 20.34% 55.35%
L1.personal_income_tax 11.91% 55.47% 8.27% 5.12% 63.61% 44.83% 30.03%
L2.personal_income_tax 12.28% 16.47% 43.56% 55.23% 24.36% 32.70% 75.15%
L1.other_revenue 11.25% 52.98% 47.45% 74.03% 11.48% 16.83% 73.04%
L2.other_revenue 54.20% 68.98% 87.64% 88.26% 8.61% 2.48% 88.83%
results_err.params.reindex(index=reindex_rows, columns=reindex_cols)
program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue nrri nrrd
L1.nrri 0.531582 -0.024542 0.107731 -0.123072 -0.150617 0.208281 -0.080868
L2.nrri -0.184916 -0.003392 -0.079855 -0.031832 -0.134564 0.023580 0.076075
L1.nrrd -0.164689 -0.033454 0.002593 -0.085661 0.110608 -0.058941 -0.105753
L2.nrrd 0.179398 -0.020179 0.072508 0.027891 -0.178763 0.081864 -0.032297
L1.program_expenditure -0.148569 0.024375 0.010583 -0.035676 0.095480 -0.051153 -0.027252
L2.program_expenditure -0.274168 0.012469 -0.028204 0.060072 0.419366 0.043190 -0.266589
L1.debt_service -0.138827 0.391381 -0.192682 0.456206 0.250624 -2.379002 0.182134
L2.debt_service -1.839879 0.244616 0.030729 -0.321701 0.208719 0.387627 0.026273
L1.corporate_income_tax -0.591167 -0.087419 -0.166213 0.193455 -0.009423 -1.069105 0.084121
L2.corporate_income_tax 0.986182 -0.171169 -0.180347 0.219469 -0.439124 -0.441616 0.337464
L1.personal_income_tax 0.446547 -0.050872 0.281996 -0.364826 -0.291701 0.365623 0.499642
L2.personal_income_tax 0.537147 0.068406 -0.161794 -0.159843 -0.598672 0.542697 -0.054906
L1.other_revenue 0.319686 -0.014068 -0.036482 -0.021636 -0.280981 0.235076 -0.052564
L2.other_revenue -0.328932 -0.009975 -0.017606 0.013375 -0.362590 0.255418 -0.122366
results_err.pvalues.reindex(index=reindex_rows, columns=reindex_cols).style.applymap(highlight_significance).format("{:.2%}")
program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue nrri nrrd
L1.nrri 6.09% 42.34% 12.95% 12.90% 50.73% 26.95% 75.32%
L2.nrri 53.56% 91.63% 28.56% 70.91% 57.36% 90.54% 77.87%
L1.nrrd 54.19% 25.17% 96.94% 26.71% 60.91% 74.28% 66.59%
L2.nrrd 49.68% 47.94% 27.30% 71.17% 39.79% 64.10% 89.27%
L1.program_expenditure 47.97% 28.33% 84.07% 55.26% 57.06% 71.44% 88.63%
L2.program_expenditure 18.15% 57.39% 58.33% 30.58% 1.07% 75.16% 15.20%
L1.debt_service 93.96% 4.82% 67.48% 38.39% 86.44% 5.10% 91.27%
L2.debt_service 31.50% 21.64% 94.66% 53.88% 88.68% 75.02% 98.74%
L1.corporate_income_tax 47.78% 33.14% 42.56% 41.64% 98.87% 5.35% 91.13%
L2.corporate_income_tax 17.90% 3.09% 32.66% 29.54% 45.50% 36.55% 61.21%
L1.personal_income_tax 51.65% 49.41% 10.20% 6.37% 59.67% 42.44% 42.34%
L2.personal_income_tax 39.82% 31.95% 30.98% 37.91% 23.97% 19.93% 92.41%
L1.other_revenue 16.84% 57.49% 53.04% 74.43% 13.07% 12.78% 80.28%
L2.other_revenue 18.72% 71.13% 77.81% 85.12% 6.95% 12.35% 58.85%

Once again, my results with the data error included are much closer to the original paper results. Note that without the data error, program spending is shown to rise in response to an increase or decrease in natural resource revenue, but only on the second lag (at least at a statistically significant level. That’s completely contrary to the main thesis of the paper. Now, given that I’ve shown with the corrected data set that budget deficits are stationary in levels, maybe a more appropriate form of analysis would have been to use a VECM as the paper states it would have been, but from this I can say that the data error has led to a significant change in the outcome of the analysis.

Impulse Response Functions

The actual results of the paper involve taking the estimated impulse response functions derived from the VAR model and examining their implications. Given the results above I’m not sure there’s a lot of value in reproducing all of the other results of this model, but I do want to at least reproduce the IRFs.

def irf_tbl(result: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model.VARResults, impulse: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Show the IRF as in table 3 of the paper.

    result: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model.VARResults
        The fitted VAR

    impulse: str
        The impulse function, either an increase or decrease in natural resource revenue

        A summary table
    irf = result.irf()
    irf_stderr = irf.stderr()
    irfs = irf.irfs
    params = list(results.params.columns)

    def _impulse_response(impulse: str, response: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Get a specific IRF out of the big array.

        impulse: str
            The impulse function
        response: str
            The response function

            The 3 period IRF
        imp_ind = params.index(impulse)
        res_ind = params.index(response)
        ir = irfs[:, res_ind, imp_ind]
        se = irf_stderr[:, res_ind, imp_ind]
        imp_name = response + '_impulse'
        se_name = response + '_se'
        df = pd.DataFrame({imp_name: ir, se_name: se})
        return df.loc[1:3].T

    responses = params[2:]
    return pd.concat([_impulse_response(impulse, response) for response in responses])

Table 3



irf_tbl(results, "nrrd")
1 2 3
program_expenditure_impulse 0.131802 0.152091 -0.263057
program_expenditure_se 0.219009 0.213435 0.189561
debt_service_impulse -0.034380 -0.016984 -0.025572
debt_service_se 0.025235 0.026153 0.023777
corporate_income_tax_impulse 0.026578 0.022545 0.014045
corporate_income_tax_se 0.060010 0.062050 0.049948
personal_income_tax_impulse -0.144894 0.050801 0.023045
personal_income_tax_se 0.069135 0.090279 0.082072
other_revenue_impulse 0.193682 -0.226313 0.116648
other_revenue_se 0.188179 0.190130 0.169276
irf_tbl(results, "nrri")
1 2 3
program_expenditure_impulse 0.307014 0.128759 0.032942
program_expenditure_se 0.228184 0.200129 0.172849
debt_service_impulse -0.028267 -0.004321 -0.011658
debt_service_se 0.026292 0.026157 0.025746
corporate_income_tax_impulse 0.081846 -0.052562 -0.019982
corporate_income_tax_se 0.062524 0.057369 0.041195
personal_income_tax_impulse -0.052581 -0.027779 0.040890
personal_income_tax_se 0.072031 0.085436 0.068562
other_revenue_impulse -0.197417 -0.028068 0.187637
other_revenue_se 0.196063 0.172347 0.147472
irf_tbl(results_err, "nrrd")
1 2 3
program_expenditure_impulse -0.164689 0.190170 0.024520
program_expenditure_se 0.270039 0.264733 0.231589
debt_service_impulse -0.033454 -0.029727 -0.027865
debt_service_se 0.029185 0.033489 0.028892
corporate_income_tax_impulse 0.002593 0.041965 0.055297
corporate_income_tax_se 0.067657 0.068952 0.054178
personal_income_tax_impulse -0.085661 0.064177 -0.029006
personal_income_tax_se 0.077188 0.085444 0.072486
other_revenue_impulse 0.110608 -0.211807 -0.018863
other_revenue_se 0.216285 0.206303 0.197149
irf_tbl(results_err, "nrri")
1 2 3
program_expenditure_impulse 0.531582 -0.303243 -0.034754
program_expenditure_se 0.283645 0.282106 0.247443
debt_service_impulse -0.024542 -0.003484 -0.020839
debt_service_se 0.030655 0.033327 0.030126
corporate_income_tax_impulse 0.107731 -0.094389 -0.033291
corporate_income_tax_se 0.071066 0.074045 0.058701
personal_income_tax_impulse -0.123072 -0.011699 0.079664
personal_income_tax_se 0.081077 0.093111 0.078465
other_revenue_impulse -0.150617 -0.053069 0.289039
other_revenue_se 0.227183 0.225741 0.202924

Same patters as we’ve seen above, the results with the data error included are pretty close to what the paper reports.

Plot the IRFs

Ok, this is the last bit I want to reproduce, just because IRF charts look cool so it would be a shame to leave them out.


results.irf().plot(impulse='nrri', response='program_expenditure');

results.irf().plot(impulse='nrrd', response='program_expenditure');

results_err.irf().plot(impulse='nrri', response='program_expenditure');

results_err.irf().plot(impulse='nrrd', response='program_expenditure');

These are harder to eyeball because I’m showing the individual responses and the paper is showing the cumulative ones. But again, if I think about what adding up the points in my charts would look like, they end up closer to the data set with the error.


The initial goal of this exercise was to practice my python and econometrics. I’ve certainly done that over the course of working on it, but as a bonus I’ve also demonstrated how sensitive results can be to even a single data point (at least when you have relatively few samples.

Appendix: Raw tables

For the purposes of validation, here are the full tables I used to produce both the summary statistics above, as well as all statistical models and tests below

program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue natural_resource_revenue deficit heritage_dummy ur_lag er_lag cad_usd_lag
1964-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1965-01-01 2327.844291 11.272854 174.729232 231.093501 1442.925275 1397.833860 -907.464724 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1966-01-01 2891.984579 10.750872 145.136773 301.024417 1542.750138 1290.104645 -376.280521 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1967-01-01 4436.875339 10.199713 203.994268 407.988537 2351.033944 1116.868620 367.189683 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1968-01-01 4368.535726 19.160244 239.503055 469.425988 2639.323668 1360.377353 -320.934094 0.0 2.700000 38.322148 NaN
1969-01-01 4396.849967 17.909776 286.556413 599.977490 2444.684401 1141.748209 -58.206771 0.0 3.300000 39.041995 NaN
1970-01-01 4745.762712 38.135593 245.762712 771.186441 2737.288136 978.813559 50.847458 0.0 3.400000 39.833226 NaN
1971-01-01 4993.823780 67.916003 271.664014 767.051333 2848.477084 1090.651114 83.896240 0.0 5.200000 39.686520 NaN
1972-01-01 4988.477844 85.114978 362.663820 858.551083 2768.087112 1224.915554 -140.624746 0.0 5.700000 38.456938 1.009883
1973-01-01 5004.356719 81.151731 382.089398 977.202089 2387.213408 2160.664826 -821.661272 0.0 5.700000 39.470588 0.990792
1974-01-01 6124.378806 92.793618 829.155879 1038.689856 2352.767225 4549.880638 -2553.321174 0.0 5.300000 40.843443 1.000233
1975-01-01 7071.218716 84.149869 686.347373 925.648564 2721.722340 4417.868145 -1596.217836 0.0 3.500000 42.840909 0.978133
1976-01-01 6845.363213 59.113672 326.307469 1038.036080 2830.362613 -125.320985 2835.091707 1.0 4.200000 43.439912 1.017267
1977-01-01 7061.151803 46.247496 554.969954 1206.639219 2720.193639 4513.335196 -1887.738708 1.0 3.891667 64.800000 0.986075
1978-01-01 6825.084687 48.260049 545.709790 1225.062794 2643.165786 4701.642511 -2242.236144 1.0 4.475000 64.633333 1.063525
1979-01-01 9302.990086 32.774318 342.491620 1265.088664 2525.261181 5181.619632 21.303307 1.0 4.750000 65.341667 1.140767
1980-01-01 9937.742745 31.376340 620.395823 1337.773062 2676.972321 4797.727697 536.250183 1.0 3.966667 67.125000 1.171558
1981-01-01 10441.551444 109.885646 701.577586 1597.568239 5094.588359 4001.769572 -844.066666 1.0 3.866667 68.050000 1.169408
1982-01-01 12281.969722 57.716023 639.073783 1731.480694 4808.269418 2887.899921 2272.961929 1.0 3.883333 69.500000 1.198892
1983-01-01 11489.190564 168.596206 771.007210 1488.773513 4813.372379 4001.941517 582.692150 1.0 7.750000 66.275000 1.233858
1984-01-01 11320.287262 218.545766 793.666203 1396.584127 5529.782999 4306.693537 -487.893837 1.0 11.008333 63.816667 1.232583
1985-01-01 12869.198063 168.831114 723.561918 1410.945740 5622.447161 3939.701880 1341.372479 1.0 11.408333 63.933333 1.295150
1986-01-01 11863.166376 263.862833 351.817111 1570.739021 4940.542816 1488.115306 3775.814955 1.0 9.775000 65.491667 1.365900
1987-01-01 10791.884860 486.136253 505.683690 1900.350807 5480.081397 2231.807343 1160.097876 0.0 10.008333 65.350000 1.389767
1988-01-01 10774.989850 655.047057 572.857965 1675.835569 5818.165763 1713.642551 1649.535059 0.0 9.525000 65.450000 1.326175
1989-01-01 10745.455671 865.692419 543.484030 1968.964999 5716.675586 1739.148895 1642.874581 0.0 7.983333 66.925000 1.230942
1990-01-01 10614.752643 923.523101 578.462597 2014.173627 5689.536231 1936.372929 1319.730359 0.0 7.158333 67.516667 1.184108
1991-01-01 10060.915107 878.291420 488.608088 2043.330951 5298.490171 1351.526066 1757.251250 0.0 6.916667 67.500000 1.167017
1992-01-01 10490.255898 920.232018 413.099221 1811.929709 5614.128666 1415.691681 2155.638638 0.0 8.250000 66.591667 1.145975
1993-01-01 9567.673764 1046.414892 540.289188 1820.154561 5604.076850 1782.195133 867.372924 0.0 9.458333 65.383333 1.208808
1994-01-01 8304.447335 1075.635389 661.029079 1886.982358 5328.892392 2081.040289 -577.861395 0.0 9.583333 64.875000 1.290167
1995-01-01 7542.256294 1000.994980 792.231321 1889.578759 4888.995090 1657.024370 -684.578266 0.0 8.783333 65.725000 1.365892
1996-01-01 7286.510699 838.743299 807.190029 1976.382124 4455.321793 2314.288966 -1427.928914 0.0 7.841667 66.650000 1.372650
1997-01-01 7598.400009 729.331650 1020.071271 2138.894710 4551.426710 2084.277589 -1466.938621 0.0 6.883333 67.316667 1.363700
1998-01-01 7647.600932 735.120709 884.383797 2452.712386 4366.478407 1262.339259 -583.192208 0.0 5.875000 67.925000 1.384867
1999-01-01 8342.393922 487.608742 640.113987 2601.260027 4640.443868 2371.737084 -1423.552301 0.0 5.583333 68.566667 1.483633
2000-01-01 8710.352822 474.863472 980.253881 1910.598641 4348.877202 5129.494603 -3184.008033 0.0 5.666667 68.500000 1.485825
2001-01-01 9338.287124 360.113309 1037.070500 1946.193764 4320.894451 2897.190669 -502.948950 0.0 4.966667 68.675000 1.485517
2002-01-01 8826.496403 209.515399 888.679810 2127.725707 3820.134757 3138.329395 -938.857868 0.0 4.725000 68.975000 1.549017
2003-01-01 8889.845744 112.157737 701.917057 1909.164731 4925.835384 3176.836868 -1711.750559 0.0 5.341667 68.975000 1.570592
2004-01-01 9563.476337 121.092191 947.887219 1864.098004 5040.562703 3907.027522 -2075.006920 0.0 5.116667 69.741667 1.401167
2005-01-01 10252.960247 95.080363 1118.344428 1793.108293 5214.467798 4829.545684 -2607.425593 1.0 4.591667 70.125000 1.301575
2006-01-01 10491.526962 77.006633 1291.562414 2729.974686 5203.857546 3943.455955 -2600.317006 1.0 3.941667 69.850000 1.211483
2007-01-01 11093.119793 71.131049 1560.562037 2749.181812 4712.930591 3359.113940 -1217.537538 1.0 3.458333 70.791667 1.134375
2008-01-01 11481.223206 65.508008 1339.134853 2742.517945 3444.209491 3752.538047 268.330878 0.0 3.566667 71.383333 1.074183
2009-01-01 11192.177199 111.838586 1464.684956 2426.866512 5009.321141 2085.188848 317.954328 0.0 3.691667 71.800000 1.066767
2010-01-01 11408.370379 141.808459 1001.672465 2292.670240 4699.207866 2532.122236 1024.506031 0.0 6.575000 69.416667 1.141442
2011-01-01 11288.615235 144.188676 1062.777455 2474.323912 4526.773140 3362.283433 6.645971 0.0 6.516667 68.133333 1.030125
2012-01-01 11491.360391 143.201492 1330.207614 2690.901483 4642.860889 2175.711738 794.880159 0.0 5.433333 69.508333 0.989025
2013-01-01 11803.343431 158.459375 1473.940765 2829.977012 5288.245930 2572.413384 -202.774285 0.0 4.700000 69.958333 0.999408
2014-01-01 11006.721496 182.199224 1479.028999 2817.708454 4975.008515 2283.359468 -366.184716 0.0 4.658333 69.591667 1.029992
2015-01-01 10664.784806 176.142114 1040.727000 2817.529567 4492.864354 691.915996 1797.890004 0.0 4.775000 69.058333 1.104683
2016-01-01 11322.810385 230.029051 913.571647 2608.854241 4407.637789 750.684901 2872.090858 0.0 6.091667 68.408333 1.278808
2017-01-01 11433.853017 319.856119 813.921696 2543.505301 5094.564399 1175.559759 2126.157981 0.0 8.133333 66.250000 1.325583
2018-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.883333 66.316667 1.297858
natural_resource_revenue nrri nrrd corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue debt_service program_expenditure deficit ur_lag er_lag cad_usd_lag heritage_dummy constant
1970-01-01 -162.934650 0.000000 -162.934650 -40.793701 171.208950 292.603734 20.225817 348.912745 109.054229 0.100000 0.791232 NaN 0.0 1
1971-01-01 111.837554 111.837554 0.000000 25.901302 -4.135108 111.188949 29.780410 248.061068 33.048782 1.800000 -0.146706 NaN 0.0 1
1972-01-01 134.264440 134.264440 0.000000 90.999806 91.499750 -80.389972 17.198975 -5.345936 -224.520986 0.500000 -1.229583 NaN 0.0 1
1973-01-01 935.749273 935.749273 0.000000 19.425579 118.651006 -380.873704 -3.963247 15.878875 -681.036526 0.000000 1.013650 -0.019092 0.0 1
1974-01-01 2389.215812 2389.215812 0.000000 447.066481 61.487767 -34.446183 11.641888 1120.022088 -1731.659902 -0.400000 1.372855 0.009442 0.0 1
1975-01-01 -132.012493 0.000000 -132.012493 -142.808507 -113.041292 368.955115 -8.643749 946.839909 957.103338 -1.800000 1.997466 -0.022100 0.0 1
1976-01-01 -4543.189130 0.000000 -4543.189130 -360.039903 112.387516 108.640274 -25.036197 -225.855503 4431.309543 0.700000 0.599003 0.039133 1.0 1
1977-01-01 4638.656180 4638.656180 0.000000 228.662485 168.603139 -110.168974 -12.866176 215.788591 -4722.830415 -0.308333 21.360088 -0.031192 1.0 1
1978-01-01 188.307315 188.307315 0.000000 -9.260164 18.423575 -77.027853 2.012553 -236.067116 -354.497436 0.583333 -0.166667 0.077450 1.0 1
1979-01-01 479.977121 479.977121 0.000000 -203.218170 40.025870 -117.904605 -15.485732 2477.905398 2263.539451 0.275000 0.708333 0.077242 1.0 1
1980-01-01 -383.891935 0.000000 -383.891935 277.904203 72.684398 151.711140 -1.397977 634.752660 514.946876 -0.783333 1.783333 0.030792 1.0 1
1981-01-01 -795.958126 0.000000 -795.958126 81.181763 259.795177 2417.616038 78.509306 503.808699 -1380.316848 -0.100000 0.925000 -0.002150 1.0 1
1982-01-01 -1113.869651 0.000000 -1113.869651 -62.503803 133.912455 -286.318941 -52.169623 1840.418278 3117.028595 0.016667 1.450000 0.029483 1.0 1
1983-01-01 1114.041596 1114.041596 0.000000 131.933427 -242.707181 5.102961 110.880183 -792.779158 -1690.269779 3.866667 -3.225000 0.034967 1.0 1
1984-01-01 304.752020 304.752020 0.000000 22.658992 -92.189386 716.410620 49.949560 -168.903301 -1070.585987 3.258333 -2.458333 -0.001275 1.0 1
1985-01-01 -366.991657 0.000000 -366.991657 -70.104285 14.361613 92.664162 -49.714652 1548.910801 1829.266316 0.400000 0.116667 0.062567 1.0 1
1986-01-01 -2451.586574 0.000000 -2451.586574 -371.744807 159.793281 -681.904345 95.031719 -1006.031688 2434.442476 -1.633333 1.558333 0.070750 1.0 1
1987-01-01 743.692037 743.692037 0.000000 153.866579 329.611786 539.538581 222.273420 -1071.281516 -2615.717079 0.233333 -0.141667 0.023867 0.0 1
1988-01-01 -518.164793 0.000000 -518.164793 67.174276 -224.515238 338.084366 168.910804 -16.895010 489.437183 -0.483333 0.100000 -0.063592 0.0 1
1989-01-01 25.506344 25.506344 0.000000 -29.373936 293.129430 -101.490177 210.645362 -29.534180 -6.660479 -1.541667 1.475000 -0.095233 0.0 1
1990-01-01 197.224034 197.224034 0.000000 34.978568 45.208628 -27.139354 57.830682 -130.703028 -323.144222 -0.825000 0.591667 -0.046833 0.0 1
1991-01-01 -584.846863 0.000000 -584.846863 -89.854509 29.157325 -391.046061 -45.231681 -553.837536 437.520891 -0.241667 -0.016667 -0.017092 0.0 1
1992-01-01 64.165615 64.165615 0.000000 -75.508867 -231.401242 315.638496 41.940598 429.340791 398.387388 1.333333 -0.908333 -0.021042 0.0 1
1993-01-01 366.503452 366.503452 0.000000 127.189967 8.224851 -10.051816 126.182874 -922.582134 -1288.265714 1.208333 -1.208333 0.062833 0.0 1
1994-01-01 298.845156 298.845156 0.000000 120.739891 66.827798 -275.184458 29.220498 -1263.226429 -1445.234319 0.125000 -0.508333 0.081358 0.0 1
1995-01-01 -424.015919 0.000000 -424.015919 131.202242 2.596401 -439.897302 -74.640409 -762.191041 -106.716872 -0.800000 0.850000 0.075725 0.0 1
1996-01-01 657.264596 657.264596 0.000000 14.958707 86.803365 -433.673297 -162.251681 -255.745595 -743.350647 -0.941667 0.925000 0.006758 0.0 1
1997-01-01 -230.011377 0.000000 -230.011377 212.881242 162.512585 96.104917 -109.411649 311.889310 -39.009707 -0.958333 0.666667 -0.008950 0.0 1
1998-01-01 -821.938330 0.000000 -821.938330 -135.687474 313.817676 -184.948302 5.789059 49.200923 883.746412 -1.008333 0.608333 0.021167 0.0 1
1999-01-01 1109.397825 1109.397825 0.000000 -244.269810 148.547641 273.965461 -247.511966 694.792990 -840.360093 -0.291667 0.641667 0.098767 0.0 1
2000-01-01 2757.757519 2757.757519 0.000000 340.139894 -690.661386 -291.566666 -12.745271 367.958900 -1760.455732 0.083333 -0.066667 0.002192 0.0 1
2001-01-01 -2232.303933 0.000000 -2232.303933 56.816619 35.595123 -27.982751 -114.750162 627.934302 2681.059082 -0.700000 0.175000 -0.000308 0.0 1
2002-01-01 241.138725 241.138725 0.000000 -148.390689 181.531943 -500.759694 -150.597911 -511.790721 -435.908918 -0.241667 0.300000 0.063500 0.0 1
2003-01-01 38.507474 38.507474 0.000000 -186.762753 -218.560977 1105.700627 -97.357661 63.349341 -772.892691 0.616667 0.000000 0.021575 0.0 1
2004-01-01 730.190654 730.190654 0.000000 245.970162 -45.066727 114.727320 8.934454 673.630593 -363.256361 -0.225000 0.766667 -0.169425 0.0 1
2005-01-01 922.518162 922.518162 0.000000 170.457209 -70.989711 173.905095 -26.011829 689.483910 -532.418673 -0.525000 0.383333 -0.099592 1.0 1
2006-01-01 -886.089729 0.000000 -886.089729 173.217986 936.866393 -10.610252 -18.073730 238.566715 7.108587 -0.650000 -0.275000 -0.090092 1.0 1
2007-01-01 -584.342016 0.000000 -584.342016 268.999623 19.207126 -490.926955 -5.875584 601.592831 1382.779468 -0.483333 0.941667 -0.077108 1.0 1
2008-01-01 393.424107 393.424107 0.000000 -221.427184 -6.663868 -1268.721100 -5.623041 388.103413 1485.868417 0.108333 0.591667 -0.060192 0.0 1
2009-01-01 -1667.349199 0.000000 -1667.349199 125.550103 -315.651432 1565.111650 46.330578 -289.046007 49.623450 0.125000 0.416667 -0.007417 0.0 1
2010-01-01 446.933388 446.933388 0.000000 -463.012491 -134.196272 -310.113274 29.969873 216.193180 706.551703 2.883333 -2.383333 0.074675 0.0 1
2011-01-01 830.161197 830.161197 0.000000 61.104990 181.653671 -172.434726 2.380217 -119.755144 -1017.860060 -0.058333 -1.283333 -0.111317 0.0 1
2012-01-01 -1186.571695 0.000000 -1186.571695 267.430159 216.577571 116.087749 -0.987183 202.745156 788.234188 -1.083333 1.375000 -0.041100 0.0 1
2013-01-01 396.701645 396.701645 0.000000 143.733151 139.075529 645.385041 15.257883 311.983040 -997.654445 -0.733333 0.450000 0.010383 0.0 1
2014-01-01 -289.053915 0.000000 -289.053915 5.088233 -12.268558 -313.237415 23.739849 -796.621934 -163.410431 -0.041667 -0.366667 0.030583 0.0 1
2015-01-01 -1591.443473 0.000000 -1591.443473 -438.301999 -0.178887 -482.144162 -6.057110 -341.936691 2164.074720 0.116667 -0.533333 0.074692 0.0 1
2016-01-01 58.768905 58.768905 0.000000 -127.155353 -208.675326 -85.226565 53.886937 658.025579 1074.200854 1.316667 -0.650000 0.174125 0.0 1
program_expenditure debt_service corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue natural_resource_revenue deficit heritage_dummy ur_lag er_lag cad_usd_lag
1964-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1965-01-01 2327.844291 11.272854 174.729232 231.093501 1442.925275 1397.833860 -907.464724 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1966-01-01 2891.984579 10.750872 145.136773 301.024417 1542.750138 1290.104645 -376.280521 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1967-01-01 4436.875339 10.199713 203.994268 407.988537 2351.033944 1116.868620 367.189683 0.0 2.500000 37.935748 NaN
1968-01-01 4368.535726 19.160244 239.503055 469.425988 2639.323668 1360.377353 -320.934094 0.0 2.700000 38.322148 NaN
1969-01-01 4396.849967 17.909776 286.556413 599.977490 2444.684401 1141.748209 -58.206771 0.0 3.300000 39.041995 NaN
1970-01-01 4745.762712 38.135593 245.762712 771.186441 2737.288136 978.813559 50.847458 0.0 3.400000 39.833226 NaN
1971-01-01 4993.823780 67.916003 271.664014 767.051333 2848.477084 1090.651114 83.896240 0.0 5.200000 39.686520 NaN
1972-01-01 4988.477844 85.114978 362.663820 858.551083 2768.087112 1224.915554 -140.624746 0.0 5.700000 38.456938 1.009883
1973-01-01 5004.356719 81.151731 382.089398 977.202089 2387.213408 2160.664826 -821.661272 0.0 5.700000 39.470588 0.990792
1974-01-01 6124.378806 92.793618 829.155879 1038.689856 2352.767225 4549.880638 -2553.321174 0.0 5.300000 40.843443 1.000233
1975-01-01 7071.218716 84.149869 686.347373 925.648564 2721.722340 4417.868145 -1596.217836 0.0 3.500000 42.840909 0.978133
1976-01-01 6845.363213 59.113672 326.307469 1038.036080 2830.362613 4887.518397 -2177.747675 1.0 4.200000 43.439912 1.017267
1977-01-01 7061.151803 46.247496 554.969954 1206.639219 2720.193639 4513.335196 -1887.738708 1.0 3.891667 64.800000 0.986075
1978-01-01 6825.084687 48.260049 545.709790 1225.062794 2643.165786 4701.642511 -2242.236144 1.0 4.475000 64.633333 1.063525
1979-01-01 9302.990086 32.774318 342.491620 1265.088664 2525.261181 5181.619632 21.303307 1.0 4.750000 65.341667 1.140767
1980-01-01 9937.742745 31.376340 620.395823 1337.773062 2676.972321 4797.727697 536.250183 1.0 3.966667 67.125000 1.171558
1981-01-01 10441.551444 109.885646 701.577586 1597.568239 5094.588359 4001.769572 -844.066666 1.0 3.866667 68.050000 1.169408
1982-01-01 12281.969722 57.716023 639.073783 1731.480694 4808.269418 2887.899921 2272.961929 1.0 3.883333 69.500000 1.198892
1983-01-01 11489.190564 168.596206 771.007210 1488.773513 4813.372379 4001.941517 582.692150 1.0 7.750000 66.275000 1.233858
1984-01-01 11320.287262 218.545766 793.666203 1396.584127 5529.782999 4306.693537 -487.893837 1.0 11.008333 63.816667 1.232583
1985-01-01 12869.198063 168.831114 723.561918 1410.945740 5622.447161 3939.701880 1341.372479 1.0 11.408333 63.933333 1.295150
1986-01-01 11863.166376 263.862833 351.817111 1570.739021 4940.542816 1488.115306 3775.814955 1.0 9.775000 65.491667 1.365900
1987-01-01 10791.884860 486.136253 505.683690 1900.350807 5480.081397 2231.807343 1160.097876 0.0 10.008333 65.350000 1.389767
1988-01-01 10774.989850 655.047057 572.857965 1675.835569 5818.165763 1713.642551 1649.535059 0.0 9.525000 65.450000 1.326175
1989-01-01 10745.455671 865.692419 543.484030 1968.964999 5716.675586 1739.148895 1642.874581 0.0 7.983333 66.925000 1.230942
1990-01-01 10614.752643 923.523101 578.462597 2014.173627 5689.536231 1936.372929 1319.730359 0.0 7.158333 67.516667 1.184108
1991-01-01 10060.915107 878.291420 488.608088 2043.330951 5298.490171 1351.526066 1757.251250 0.0 6.916667 67.500000 1.167017
1992-01-01 10490.255898 920.232018 413.099221 1811.929709 5614.128666 1415.691681 2155.638638 0.0 8.250000 66.591667 1.145975
1993-01-01 9567.673764 1046.414892 540.289188 1820.154561 5604.076850 1782.195133 867.372924 0.0 9.458333 65.383333 1.208808
1994-01-01 8304.447335 1075.635389 661.029079 1886.982358 5328.892392 2081.040289 -577.861395 0.0 9.583333 64.875000 1.290167
1995-01-01 7542.256294 1000.994980 792.231321 1889.578759 4888.995090 1657.024370 -684.578266 0.0 8.783333 65.725000 1.365892
1996-01-01 7286.510699 838.743299 807.190029 1976.382124 4455.321793 2314.288966 -1427.928914 0.0 7.841667 66.650000 1.372650
1997-01-01 7598.400009 729.331650 1020.071271 2138.894710 4551.426710 2084.277589 -1466.938621 0.0 6.883333 67.316667 1.363700
1998-01-01 7647.600932 735.120709 884.383797 2452.712386 4366.478407 1262.339259 -583.192208 0.0 5.875000 67.925000 1.384867
1999-01-01 8342.393922 487.608742 640.113987 2601.260027 4640.443868 2371.737084 -1423.552301 0.0 5.583333 68.566667 1.483633
2000-01-01 8710.352822 474.863472 980.253881 1910.598641 4348.877202 5129.494603 -3184.008033 0.0 5.666667 68.500000 1.485825
2001-01-01 9338.287124 360.113309 1037.070500 1946.193764 4320.894451 2897.190669 -502.948950 0.0 4.966667 68.675000 1.485517
2002-01-01 8826.496403 209.515399 888.679810 2127.725707 3820.134757 3138.329395 -938.857868 0.0 4.725000 68.975000 1.549017
2003-01-01 8889.845744 112.157737 701.917057 1909.164731 4925.835384 3176.836868 -1711.750559 0.0 5.341667 68.975000 1.570592
2004-01-01 9563.476337 121.092191 947.887219 1864.098004 5040.562703 3907.027522 -2075.006920 0.0 5.116667 69.741667 1.401167
2005-01-01 10252.960247 95.080363 1118.344428 1793.108293 5214.467798 4829.545684 -2607.425593 1.0 4.591667 70.125000 1.301575
2006-01-01 10491.526962 77.006633 1291.562414 2729.974686 5203.857546 3943.455955 -2600.317006 1.0 3.941667 69.850000 1.211483
2007-01-01 11093.119793 71.131049 1560.562037 2749.181812 4712.930591 3359.113940 -1217.537538 1.0 3.458333 70.791667 1.134375
2008-01-01 11481.223206 65.508008 1339.134853 2742.517945 3444.209491 3752.538047 268.330878 0.0 3.566667 71.383333 1.074183
2009-01-01 11192.177199 111.838586 1464.684956 2426.866512 5009.321141 2085.188848 317.954328 0.0 3.691667 71.800000 1.066767
2010-01-01 11408.370379 141.808459 1001.672465 2292.670240 4699.207866 2532.122236 1024.506031 0.0 6.575000 69.416667 1.141442
2011-01-01 11288.615235 144.188676 1062.777455 2474.323912 4526.773140 3362.283433 6.645971 0.0 6.516667 68.133333 1.030125
2012-01-01 11491.360391 143.201492 1330.207614 2690.901483 4642.860889 2175.711738 794.880159 0.0 5.433333 69.508333 0.989025
2013-01-01 11803.343431 158.459375 1473.940765 2829.977012 5288.245930 2572.413384 -202.774285 0.0 4.700000 69.958333 0.999408
2014-01-01 11006.721496 182.199224 1479.028999 2817.708454 4975.008515 2283.359468 -366.184716 0.0 4.658333 69.591667 1.029992
2015-01-01 10664.784806 176.142114 1040.727000 2817.529567 4492.864354 691.915996 1797.890004 0.0 4.775000 69.058333 1.104683
2016-01-01 11322.810385 230.029051 913.571647 2608.854241 4407.637789 750.684901 2872.090858 0.0 6.091667 68.408333 1.278808
2017-01-01 11433.853017 319.856119 813.921696 2543.505301 5094.564399 1175.559759 2126.157981 0.0 8.133333 66.250000 1.325583
2018-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.883333 66.316667 1.297858
natural_resource_revenue nrri nrrd corporate_income_tax personal_income_tax other_revenue debt_service program_expenditure deficit ur_lag er_lag cad_usd_lag heritage_dummy constant
1970-01-01 -162.934650 0.000000 -162.934650 -40.793701 171.208950 292.603734 20.225817 348.912745 109.054229 0.100000 0.791232 NaN 0.0 1
1971-01-01 111.837554 111.837554 0.000000 25.901302 -4.135108 111.188949 29.780410 248.061068 33.048782 1.800000 -0.146706 NaN 0.0 1
1972-01-01 134.264440 134.264440 0.000000 90.999806 91.499750 -80.389972 17.198975 -5.345936 -224.520986 0.500000 -1.229583 NaN 0.0 1
1973-01-01 935.749273 935.749273 0.000000 19.425579 118.651006 -380.873704 -3.963247 15.878875 -681.036526 0.000000 1.013650 -0.019092 0.0 1
1974-01-01 2389.215812 2389.215812 0.000000 447.066481 61.487767 -34.446183 11.641888 1120.022088 -1731.659902 -0.400000 1.372855 0.009442 0.0 1
1975-01-01 -132.012493 0.000000 -132.012493 -142.808507 -113.041292 368.955115 -8.643749 946.839909 957.103338 -1.800000 1.997466 -0.022100 0.0 1
1976-01-01 469.650252 469.650252 0.000000 -360.039903 112.387516 108.640274 -25.036197 -225.855503 -581.529839 0.700000 0.599003 0.039133 1.0 1
1977-01-01 -374.183202 0.000000 -374.183202 228.662485 168.603139 -110.168974 -12.866176 215.788591 290.008967 -0.308333 21.360088 -0.031192 1.0 1
1978-01-01 188.307315 188.307315 0.000000 -9.260164 18.423575 -77.027853 2.012553 -236.067116 -354.497436 0.583333 -0.166667 0.077450 1.0 1
1979-01-01 479.977121 479.977121 0.000000 -203.218170 40.025870 -117.904605 -15.485732 2477.905398 2263.539451 0.275000 0.708333 0.077242 1.0 1
1980-01-01 -383.891935 0.000000 -383.891935 277.904203 72.684398 151.711140 -1.397977 634.752660 514.946876 -0.783333 1.783333 0.030792 1.0 1
1981-01-01 -795.958126 0.000000 -795.958126 81.181763 259.795177 2417.616038 78.509306 503.808699 -1380.316848 -0.100000 0.925000 -0.002150 1.0 1
1982-01-01 -1113.869651 0.000000 -1113.869651 -62.503803 133.912455 -286.318941 -52.169623 1840.418278 3117.028595 0.016667 1.450000 0.029483 1.0 1
1983-01-01 1114.041596 1114.041596 0.000000 131.933427 -242.707181 5.102961 110.880183 -792.779158 -1690.269779 3.866667 -3.225000 0.034967 1.0 1
1984-01-01 304.752020 304.752020 0.000000 22.658992 -92.189386 716.410620 49.949560 -168.903301 -1070.585987 3.258333 -2.458333 -0.001275 1.0 1
1985-01-01 -366.991657 0.000000 -366.991657 -70.104285 14.361613 92.664162 -49.714652 1548.910801 1829.266316 0.400000 0.116667 0.062567 1.0 1
1986-01-01 -2451.586574 0.000000 -2451.586574 -371.744807 159.793281 -681.904345 95.031719 -1006.031688 2434.442476 -1.633333 1.558333 0.070750 1.0 1
1987-01-01 743.692037 743.692037 0.000000 153.866579 329.611786 539.538581 222.273420 -1071.281516 -2615.717079 0.233333 -0.141667 0.023867 0.0 1
1988-01-01 -518.164793 0.000000 -518.164793 67.174276 -224.515238 338.084366 168.910804 -16.895010 489.437183 -0.483333 0.100000 -0.063592 0.0 1
1989-01-01 25.506344 25.506344 0.000000 -29.373936 293.129430 -101.490177 210.645362 -29.534180 -6.660479 -1.541667 1.475000 -0.095233 0.0 1
1990-01-01 197.224034 197.224034 0.000000 34.978568 45.208628 -27.139354 57.830682 -130.703028 -323.144222 -0.825000 0.591667 -0.046833 0.0 1
1991-01-01 -584.846863 0.000000 -584.846863 -89.854509 29.157325 -391.046061 -45.231681 -553.837536 437.520891 -0.241667 -0.016667 -0.017092 0.0 1
1992-01-01 64.165615 64.165615 0.000000 -75.508867 -231.401242 315.638496 41.940598 429.340791 398.387388 1.333333 -0.908333 -0.021042 0.0 1
1993-01-01 366.503452 366.503452 0.000000 127.189967 8.224851 -10.051816 126.182874 -922.582134 -1288.265714 1.208333 -1.208333 0.062833 0.0 1
1994-01-01 298.845156 298.845156 0.000000 120.739891 66.827798 -275.184458 29.220498 -1263.226429 -1445.234319 0.125000 -0.508333 0.081358 0.0 1
1995-01-01 -424.015919 0.000000 -424.015919 131.202242 2.596401 -439.897302 -74.640409 -762.191041 -106.716872 -0.800000 0.850000 0.075725 0.0 1
1996-01-01 657.264596 657.264596 0.000000 14.958707 86.803365 -433.673297 -162.251681 -255.745595 -743.350647 -0.941667 0.925000 0.006758 0.0 1
1997-01-01 -230.011377 0.000000 -230.011377 212.881242 162.512585 96.104917 -109.411649 311.889310 -39.009707 -0.958333 0.666667 -0.008950 0.0 1
1998-01-01 -821.938330 0.000000 -821.938330 -135.687474 313.817676 -184.948302 5.789059 49.200923 883.746412 -1.008333 0.608333 0.021167 0.0 1
1999-01-01 1109.397825 1109.397825 0.000000 -244.269810 148.547641 273.965461 -247.511966 694.792990 -840.360093 -0.291667 0.641667 0.098767 0.0 1
2000-01-01 2757.757519 2757.757519 0.000000 340.139894 -690.661386 -291.566666 -12.745271 367.958900 -1760.455732 0.083333 -0.066667 0.002192 0.0 1
2001-01-01 -2232.303933 0.000000 -2232.303933 56.816619 35.595123 -27.982751 -114.750162 627.934302 2681.059082 -0.700000 0.175000 -0.000308 0.0 1
2002-01-01 241.138725 241.138725 0.000000 -148.390689 181.531943 -500.759694 -150.597911 -511.790721 -435.908918 -0.241667 0.300000 0.063500 0.0 1
2003-01-01 38.507474 38.507474 0.000000 -186.762753 -218.560977 1105.700627 -97.357661 63.349341 -772.892691 0.616667 0.000000 0.021575 0.0 1
2004-01-01 730.190654 730.190654 0.000000 245.970162 -45.066727 114.727320 8.934454 673.630593 -363.256361 -0.225000 0.766667 -0.169425 0.0 1
2005-01-01 922.518162 922.518162 0.000000 170.457209 -70.989711 173.905095 -26.011829 689.483910 -532.418673 -0.525000 0.383333 -0.099592 1.0 1
2006-01-01 -886.089729 0.000000 -886.089729 173.217986 936.866393 -10.610252 -18.073730 238.566715 7.108587 -0.650000 -0.275000 -0.090092 1.0 1
2007-01-01 -584.342016 0.000000 -584.342016 268.999623 19.207126 -490.926955 -5.875584 601.592831 1382.779468 -0.483333 0.941667 -0.077108 1.0 1
2008-01-01 393.424107 393.424107 0.000000 -221.427184 -6.663868 -1268.721100 -5.623041 388.103413 1485.868417 0.108333 0.591667 -0.060192 0.0 1
2009-01-01 -1667.349199 0.000000 -1667.349199 125.550103 -315.651432 1565.111650 46.330578 -289.046007 49.623450 0.125000 0.416667 -0.007417 0.0 1
2010-01-01 446.933388 446.933388 0.000000 -463.012491 -134.196272 -310.113274 29.969873 216.193180 706.551703 2.883333 -2.383333 0.074675 0.0 1
2011-01-01 830.161197 830.161197 0.000000 61.104990 181.653671 -172.434726 2.380217 -119.755144 -1017.860060 -0.058333 -1.283333 -0.111317 0.0 1
2012-01-01 -1186.571695 0.000000 -1186.571695 267.430159 216.577571 116.087749 -0.987183 202.745156 788.234188 -1.083333 1.375000 -0.041100 0.0 1
2013-01-01 396.701645 396.701645 0.000000 143.733151 139.075529 645.385041 15.257883 311.983040 -997.654445 -0.733333 0.450000 0.010383 0.0 1
2014-01-01 -289.053915 0.000000 -289.053915 5.088233 -12.268558 -313.237415 23.739849 -796.621934 -163.410431 -0.041667 -0.366667 0.030583 0.0 1
2015-01-01 -1591.443473 0.000000 -1591.443473 -438.301999 -0.178887 -482.144162 -6.057110 -341.936691 2164.074720 0.116667 -0.533333 0.074692 0.0 1
2016-01-01 58.768905 58.768905 0.000000 -127.155353 -208.675326 -85.226565 53.886937 658.025579 1074.200854 1.316667 -0.650000 0.174125 0.0 1